Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today, I stand amazed at all that the Lord is doing.

                  (Just a few of the Journey Bags and  packs of diapers that will be delivered next week!)

My entryway is overflowing with Journey Bags packed for little ones in foster care.
(not a bad problem to have!) 

Bags stuffed with "things", but more importantly filled with prayers and love. Just one way for the body of Christ to be His hands and feet - such a tangible and  meaningful way to show His love to those who feel forgotten. I trust the Lord will bless the lives of everyone who has given of their time, their money, and their heart to care for the least of these.  

On Sunday morning our pastor was sharing about the opportunity to pack a Journey Bag with our church. He spoke of the well-known verse in James. "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of the Father is this, to visit widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." He shared of the word used in African bibles meaning widows and orphans. I wish I could remember the actual word - but, I can't. But I do remember the meaning - "those without a covering" - and certainly foster children can be described as "those without a covering". The fatherless, the least of these, the orphan. And we are commanded to care for them - to cover them. With our prayers, with our love, with our time, with our things...
They truly are in distress. They truly need us to visit them. Literally and figuratively. May each bag be a visit from the very heart and hand of Jesus to these little ones and those who care for them. 

To date 150 bags are being filled. 
O.N.E. H.U.N.D.R.E.D. F.I.F.T.Y.!!!! 

I am beyond excited to deliver these to the Department of Human Services! I am anxious to bless the social workers who get to hand these bags to families and children. I am thrilled to think that in the moment of their distress, 150 little ones will be visited by the hope and love of Jesus!

To God be the glory, great things He is doing!

One a side note - the interview with Air1 and KLOVE for TFI has been scheduled for next Thursday the 26th at 10:00 am! I will have 25 minutes to share the heart and vision of TFI. Please pray for me - that the Lord would fill my mouth with His message! This is truly an amazing opportunity. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

faithful God

It has been a busy couple of weeks. 
Emails, meetings, running the girls around, etc...
I feel like I am treading water and sometimes I let it get to me. 
I get overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged. 

But God. 

Don't you love how He is always right on time? 
He is always faithful - even when I am faithless. 
Faithful God. 

I was just lamenting to a friend yesterday about how I felt the need to do more to get 
The Forgotten Initiative "out there." 
I was feeling discouraged 
by the lack of support I sense from pastors I have talked to. 
I want to see the "likes" on our facebook page growing in number everyday, 
but its not happening as fast as I think it should. 
Struggling between knowing that the Lord is more than able 
to inspire His people 
and the responsibility that lies one me 
to be proactively putting myself and the TFI message out there. 

Then the Lord lovingly reminded me that He is in control.

Last night at our adoption support group, 
I was handed a bag full of baby boy goodies to fill a Journey Bag. 

Then I got home to an email saying that 24 more bags are being filled, 
a Girl Scout group is going to pack Journey Bags as a service project, 
and a lady who works for Bright House is hosting a drive at work 
for items off our shopping list!

He's got it!
I don't need to fret. 

It doesn't matter how many "likes" we have (or don't have) on Facebook.
His heart is for the fatherless and He is blessing this ministry. 

So, 12 bags from a dear friend and her co-workers
24 bags from a ladies bible study 
56 bags from Rock Harbor Church
3 more from individuals wanting to take part...

and this is just the beginning!

I have the opportunity to share about TFI at another MOPS group on April 12th.
More bags will be handed out at our church on April 15th.
I have been invited to speak at a friend's church on Sunday April 29th.
And lots more opportunities to speak to MOPS groups, 
women's bible study groups, and small groups have been offered, 
just need to set the dates. 

I may not be able to see it all, 
but God is moving and working behind the scenes
to see the forgotten in Bakersfield ministered to by His love.

Thank you, Lord for reminding me of your faithfulness. 
Even when I am faithless, You remain faithful. 

To God be the glory, great things He is doing!!